Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment--Do Something!

Joe G over at Beppeblog (pictured here) writes,
Today is the pivotal vote within the U.S. Senate regarding the Federal-James-Dobson-Definition-of-Marriage, I mean, the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA).For those of us from the USA, Joe provides links so that we can contact our Senators TODAY so that we can share our thoughts. Joe shares his letter to senators about the Federal Marriage Amendment.
Pictured is Joe busy at work on his blog. He is hosting me for my last two days in LA. We had Ethiopian food with Daniel Gonzales last night.

Ethiopian seems to be the food of choice for ex-ex-gay bloggers. That's what Christine and I had in Denver. Then I met with Mike Airhart and his partner Steve Boese at an Ethiopian restaurant in DC in February. Maybe it is the whole communal eating out of the same plate thing.
ok I like this pic much more
So does Joe. we talk about you in his upcoming podcast. He is smitten with you. But then who isn't.
Yum, Ethiopian. I even had some in Nashville...
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